Young Carers

A young carer is a child or young person aged 5 to 18 years whose lives are affected by caring for an unwell member of their family. They care for a relative who may have a physical or learning disability, a long-term illness, a terminal condition, mental illness, or difficulties with drug or alcohol use. Caring may be physical, emotional or both. Young carers often do a lot of helpful things, such as:

  • Cook and prepare meals
  • Help with the shopping
  • Clean around the house
  • Manage medicines or money
  • Give personal care
  • Help their special person move and get out of the house
  • Look after their siblings
  • Give emotional support
  • Keep an eye on things generally
Familyl hubs

On the Isle of Wight, Barnardo's offers support for young carers and their families. They work with children and young people to provide a range of events and activities to give them a break from their caring responsibilities. They also offer one-to-one support tailored to meet their individual needs.

If you are a young carer, please speak to a trusted adult like your parents or teachers so they can help get you the support you need.

Support for Young Carers

Getting help

If you are affected by child abuse or neglect, it can really help to talk to someone you trust.

Where can I get help?