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The IOWSCP provides a free, multi-agency, learning and development programme for professionals who work with children and families on the Isle of Wight. The programme is funded by the Partnership.

These multi-agency learning opportunities bring professionals together to develop knowledge and skills and are designed to complement single-agency training. They include virtual events and courses, webinars, workshops and eLearning.

All organisations working with children and families are responsible for ensuring that their staff and volunteers are confident and competent in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding children. Staff should have access to appropriate development opportunities to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to abuse and neglect.

The IOWSCP Workforce Development Policy - coming soon

Our learning and development programme is hosted on the Isle of Wight Council's Learning Hub.

The Learning Hub

  • To book onto a course click 'Book Here' within each course below. 
  • Please contact us at if you don't have a Learning Hub account.
  • Once you have signed in, select a course > click Go to Course > click on Enrol me > scroll down to training dates and select date(s) that you wish to attend.
  • Attendance certificates will be automatically generated on completion of course evaluation

Quick links to training themes

Child Sexual Abuse

Brooks Sexual Behaviour Traffic Light Tool training

What you can expect to learn:
  • Identify the behaviour and establish if it is typical or developmentally appropriate, problematic or harmful 
  • Understand: What the behaviour is communicating, yhy the child or young person may be exhibiting it 
  • Respond appropriately. This will depend upon what’s motivating the behaviour, the severity of the behaviour      

Dates coming soon

Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to harmful sexual behaviour

What you can expect to learn:
  • Develop greater awareness of the context of harmful sexual behaviour
  • Distinguish between typical sexual development and problematic, abusive, or violent harmful sexual behaviour
  • Identify some helpful strategies when risk assessing harmful sexual behaviour
  • Increase understanding of safety planning around harmful sexual behaviour
  • Identify further support that can offer reflection opportunities and guidance on harmful sexual behaviour

22nd October 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
14th January 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to child sexual abuse

What you can expect to learn:
  • Increase awareness of signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
  • Understand how to report
  • Understand the role of the Police and Children’s Services
  • Explore the role of the MASH
  • Develop a clear awareness of the processes of Child protection medicals and forensic medicals

2nd July 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
22nd October 2025, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
18th March 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Medical assessments in suspected child sexual abuse

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand why medical examinations are important in suspected child sexual abuse.
  • Know that if police or social workers don’t refer for a CSA medical assessment, no one else will, potentially leaving health and safeguarding needs unmet.
  • Know when and how to refer children for examination.
  • Be aware of the timescales for examinations and why prompt referrals are needed.
  • Have the confidence to explain to parents and children that the medical examination aims to be healing and therapeutic. It is non-invasive, child–led and child friendly.

10th July 2024, 9.30am - 12pm, via Microsoft Teams
8th January 2025, 9.30am - 12pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

What you can expect to learn:

  • Increase your knowledge and understanding of FGM, including the types of FGM and why/how it is performed
  • Improve your understanding of the prevalence of FGM, including locally within the local area
  • Gain an understanding of the legal frameworks surrounding FGM 
  • Gain an understanding into your roles and responsibilities in relation to FGM
  • Identify who is ‘at risk’ of FGM 
  • Understand the key health risks and consequences of FGM 
  • Reinforcing the local referral procedure within Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton

8th October 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
4th February 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Speaking to Children about Child Sexual Abuse

What you can expect to learn:
  • A good understanding of how the Communicating with Children Guide can support you in your work
  • Increased awareness and understanding of the barriers children face in telling
  • A greater understanding of the professional behaviours that can give children the confidence to speak out
  • Increased knowledge and confidence in how to respond when a child tells of their abuse

22nd January 2025, 7pm-8pm , via Microsoft Teams
26th March 2025, 3.30pm-4.30pm , via Microsoft Teams

As this is a targeted information session no level is assigned to it.

Book Here

Spotting the signs and indicators of child sexual abuse

What you can expect to learn:
  • An understanding of the Signs and Indicators Template and how to use it in practice.
  • The ability to build a picture of concerns when you are worried a child is being, or has been, sexually abused.
  • Greater knowledge of the emotional, behavioural and physical signs of sexual abuse and sexually abusive behaviour, and the factors that increase children’s vulnerability to this form of harm.
  • Greater confidence in identifying, discussing, exploring and communicating concerns that a child is being sexually abused.

5th March 2025, 3.30pm-4.30pm, via Teams
More dates coming soon

As this is a targeted information session no level is assigned to it.

Book Here

Child Exploitation

Missing, Exploited and Trafficked children (MET)

What you can expect to learn:
  • Improve the awareness of child exploitation among front-line professionals and managers
  • Enable front-line professionals to recognise the signs and symptoms of child exploitation and to refer their concerns in line with agreed local processes
  • Explain categories of risk including use of local assessment tools
  • Explore pathways of support available to keep children safe in Hampshire and the IOW
  • Using scenario-based discussions, help staff acquire greater knowledge of how agencies can work together to protect children at risk of exploitation

12th June 2024, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
8th January 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to the Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Framework (CERAF)

What you can expect to learn:
  • Explore the newly-developed HIPS Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Framework (CERAF)
  • Observe best practice guidance on completion of the CERAF
  • Understand scoring and actions to take upon completion 

8th May 2024, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
2nd October 2024, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
5th February 2024, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams

Level 2

Book Here

Child Exploitation - As a health professional, what do YOU need to know?

What you can expect to learn:
  • Develop awareness and understanding of different types of child exploitation.
  • Develop skills in recognising the signs of exploitation in children.
  • Consider the appropriate response of health practitioners when risks and indicators of exploitation in children are identified, including how to utilise the skills and expertise of multi-agency partners.
  • Develop awareness  of the risk assessment tools available to health practitioners to support the assessment and identification of risk.

24th September 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
7th January 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3 / Intercollegiate training level 3

Book Here

Child Abuse

An Introduction to Child-on-Child Abuse

What you can expect to learn:
  • Reflect on the types of Child-on-Child violence you have witnessed and consider definitions, context and prevalence
  • Learn how to recognise Child-on-Child violence
  • Discuss what to consider when responding to Child-on-Child violence from an individual and systemic perspective
  • Embed learning through case examples

7th May 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
10th September 2025, 9.30am-11am,  via Microsoft Teams
28th January 2026, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to Child Abuse Linked to Faith and Belief

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand harmful practices linked to faith/belief
  • Identify signs and symptoms
  • Identify your own responsibilities within your organisation
  • Understand resources available
  • Understand the role of the police and children’s social care

1st October 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
11th March 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to honour based abuse, forced marriage and dowry

What you can expect to learn:
  • Develop an understanding of ‘Honour' Based Abuse (HBA), Forced Marriage (FM) and dowry abuse
  • Learn how to recognise signs of HBA and FM
  • Learn about laws that are in place to protect people and agency reporting duties
  • Recognise the importance of the “One Chance Rule”
  • Know where to get help

1st October 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
11th March 2026, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Understanding cumulative harm and preventing the normalisation of neglect.

What you can expect to learn:
  • To understand the importance of looking beyond single incidents (cumulative harm)
  • To gain awareness of the impact of cumulative harm.
  • Recognise indicators of cumulative harm.
  • Be aware of the findings from national reviews on normalizing neglect

7th May 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
10th September 2025, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
14th January 2026, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Understanding, identifying and responding to neglect

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand the concept of significant harm and neglect as identified in the IOWSCP and HSCP Neglect Strategy
  • Identify indicators of neglect including the four types of neglect outlined by Howe (2005) and consider the significance of individual perspectives when identifying neglect and the implications for practice
  • Explore the IOWSCP and HSCP practitioner tools available via the online Neglect Toolkit and consider how they can be used to support single and multi-agency working

30th April 2025, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
24th September 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
11th February 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 2

Book Here

An introduction to Fabricated or Induced Illnesses (FII)

What you can expect to learn:
  • Consider the spectrum of Fabricated or Induced Illnesses
  • Explore some of the research including facts and figures relating to Fabricated or Induced Illnesses
  • Focus on key practice points for working with cases of Fabricated or Induced Illnesses including feedback from children and young people
  • Gain an understanding of the complexities of working with cases/ suspected cases of Fabricated or Induced Illnesses

1st May 2024, 7pm - 8pm, via Microsoft Teams
2nd October 2024, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams
29th January 2025, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Working with Families

Unidentified adults

What you can expect to learn:
  • Support professionals to understand the importance of engaging adults who live with or regularly care for children
  • Understand the benefits and risks of other adults living in the household/ caring for children
  • Understand the barriers to engagement and how practitioners can engage with children and families
  • Provide general principles and top tips which can be utilised within multi-agency partners' practice

4th June 2025, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams
14th January 2026, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to a family approach

What you can expect to learn:
  • Identify how a range of risk factors and vulnerabilities co-exist within families 
  • Understand the cumulative impact of these on children and adults at risk 
  • Understand the impact of risk and vulnerability on an adult’s capacity to parent, care for others and themselves
  • Understand the relevant legislative and statutory frameworks for adults and children
  • Explore themes including Protective Factors, Restorative Practice, Strength Based Approach, Person Centred Working, Mental Capacity, Professional Curiosity and Transition
  • Explore learning arising from Local Safeguarding Child Practice Reviews and Safeguarding Adult Reviews
  • Understand the application of the Family Approach Protocol 
  • Explore the resources available under the toolkit 
  • Understand the importance of sharing of information in the context of the family approach

30th April 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
17th September 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm via Microsoft Teams
11th February 2026, 7pm - 8.30pm via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to professional curiosity and disguised compliance

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understanding the importance of professional curiosity when working with families. 
  • Recognise some of the barriers to curiosity.
  • Understand what 'disguised compliance' is and when it might occur.
  • Understand the challenges faced when working with families where 'disguised compliance' occurs.
  • Gain an overview of what practitioners can do to engage with families and keep the focus on the needs of the child.

15th May 2024, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
23rd October 2024, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
12th February 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Team

Contribtes to meeting the learning outcomes at level 3

Book Here

An introduction to having Honest Conversations

What you can expect to learn:
  • Learn about the existing barriers to having honest conversations
  • Understand the possible consequences of not having honest conversations  
  • Understand how planning honest conversations in advance can support outcomes

Dates coming soon

Level 3

Book Here

Reporting / Referrals / Processes

An introduction to Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand the categories of MAPPA offenders
  • Understand the three levels of MAPPA management
  • Increase understanding of how the police and National Probation Service manage offenders
  • Understand the process of Disclosure including limitations
  • Understand how practitioners from all agencies can contribute to multi agency risk management plans and become familiar with four pillars risk management planning

14th May 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
12th November 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

This 1 minute guide will explain what MAPPA is, why it is important, how it is conducted and frequently asked questions.

Book Here

Childrens Reception Team (CRT) and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): Effective MASH referrals and follow-up actions

What you can expect to learn:
  • To understand the role and function of the Children’s Reception Team (CRT) and the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
  • What happens to information when it is received by CRT?
  • The MASH - its purpose and how it operates?

11th July 2024 9.30am-11am via Microsoft Teams
13th February 2025 9.30am-11am via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 2.

Book Here

Families Who Move Across County Borders

What you can expect to learn:
  • Gain an understanding of why it is important to know about families who move across county borders where there may be a safeguarding concern
  • Understand the processes/ roles and responsibilities of other agencies when families move across county borders
  • Be aware of the importance of including information passed from another area in any referrals made

14th May 2025, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams
11th February 2026, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Information sharing learning (Clare’s Law and Sarah’s Law)

What you can expect to learn:
  • When and how to share information with vulnerable members of the public about people in their life for safeguarding reasons without the consent of the subject.
  • What the Data Protection Act says about sharing information without consent
  • Clare’s Law (DVDS) and Sarah’s Law (CSODS) – the Right to Ask and the Right to Know
  • Where to find guidance from the government about when and how to share this information appropriately.
  • The protections that exist for you if you share such information without consent in an appropriate manner.

9th July 2024, 9.30am - 10.45am, via Microsoft Teams
23rd January 2025, 9.30am - 10.45am, via Microsoft Teams

As this is an information session no level is assigned to it.

Book Here

Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners eLearning

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand information sharing and why it is an essential part of safeguarding children.
  • Gain knowledge on the legal basis for information sharing.
  • Build awareness of what information to share and how information can be shared effectively to ensure its meaning for the child is understood.
  • Recognise the benefits of effective information exchange between organisations.
  • Explain the role of practitioners in informing families when information is being shared.

Book Here

The importance of Community Partnership Information (CPI) sharing

What you can expect to learn:

  • In what circumstances the form should be used
  • When to call 999/101 to report a crime and when to do a CPI instead
  • The importance of sharing information with police and how this relates to GDPR and the data protection act
  • The journey of a CPI – what can the results be?
  • How the form should be completed
  • Common errors seen when partners complete the forms
  • How we protect the details of the source of any such information
  • Some examples of both poor and good practice

15th May 2025, 1pm - 1.45pm, via Microsoft Teams
16th September 2025, 10am - 10.45am via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3.

Book Here

Safeguarding Infants

Safeguarding Infants eLearning

What you can expect to learn:

  • To have an awareness of the vulnerabilities of infants, including the emerging themes from National Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews.
  • To have an understanding of the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership’s initiatives to safeguarding and protect infants:
    • ICON
    • Protocol for the management of actual or suspected bruising or other injury in infants who are not independently mobile
    • Every Sleep Counts
    • Unborn/New-born Baby Protocol
  • For practitioners to be well informed of the risk of overlay and the law around co-sleeping with non-prescription drugs or alcohol
  • To feel more confident in applying the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership’s policies, procedures and toolkits in practice.
  • To be able to apply this learning to your own practice.

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Access the eLearning course

Domestic Abuse: Violence in pregnancy and impact on baby brain development eLearning

  • Consider the impact of pregnancy on the incidence of Domestic Abuse (DA)
  • Explore the brain development of unborn babies in the context of being exposed to stress/abuse, and the long-term impact of toxic stress
  • Consider the physical, emotional and behavioural impact of DA during pregnancy on a child’s development and wellbeing 

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3.

Access the eLearning course

Safeguarding Children and Young People

An introduction to the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand of the impact of domestic abuse on children, including physical and emotional impacts, and recognising DA as an ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience)
  • Know how to respond to disclosures or suspicions that a child has witnessed or experienced domestic abuse
  • Gain an awareness of specialist support available to children witnessing DA and how to refer to appropriate services, including safeguarding responsibilities

21st May 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
19th November 2025, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams
25th February 2026, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Responding well to disclosures of domestic abuse

What you can expect to learn:
  • To develop an understanding of what constitutes domestic abuse
  • To have an understanding of best practice when responding to disclosures of domestic abuse
  • To know what support is available to victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse and how to signpost or refer

21st May 2025, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams
26th November 2025, 7pm - 8pm, via Microsoft Teams
4th March 2026, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

Recognising and Responding to Coercive Controlling Behaviour

What you can expect to learning:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key terms, concepts, and legislation related to coercive controlling behaviour, including the provisions of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
  • Recognise and describe the behaviours that constitute coercive control, including how these behaviours manifest in both intimate and family relationships.
  • Understand the connection between coercive control and risk, particularly in the context of post-separation abuse, and how to assess and respond to these risks effectively.
  • Develop the skills to offer initial support to victims of coercive control and confidently refer them to appropriate local domestic abuse services using established referral pathways.

4th June 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
26th November 2025, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
25th February 2026, 9.30am - 11am, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3


Safeguarding adolescents in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight

What you can expect to learn:
  • Know how to effectively engage with and respond to adolescent safeguarding
  • Be able to identify protective factors
  • Recognise the strengths and vulnerabilities of adolescents
  • Hear findings from local and national reviews
  • Understand safeguarding themes that are specific to adolescents, including abuse and neglect
  • Understand how to prevent abuse and neglect of adolescents

14th May 2025, 1.30pm - 3.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
22nd October 2025, 9.30am - 11.30am, via Microsoft Teams
21st Janaury 2026, 6.30pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An Introduction to keeping children safe online

What you can expect to learn:
  • Develop or strengthen understanding of safeguarding in the context of children’s lives and their use of social media
  • Become more confident in identifying how our most vulnerable children can be supported with going online
  • Explore a range of applications currently used by children
  • Develop an enhanced awareness of how children can be exploited and/or abused online, including the tactics and technology used by perpetrators
  • Develop your ability to support children in staying safe online, formulating prevention and intervention strategies with children and their families
  • Explore the role of parents/carers in keeping children safe online, including the importance of consent when posting content and images (sharenting)
  • Explore how professionals can raise awareness around online safety and support families with online risks and behaviours

17th April 2024, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams
11th September 2024, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
12th February 2025, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here

An introduction to children who go missing from home/care

What you can expect to learn:
  • Understand the definition of ‘missing’
  • Understand the process of reporting a child missing and responses
  • Understand the purpose of Return Home Interviews/Missing Conversations and how these help inform planning
  • Understand the role of push and pull factors
  • Highlight some of the risks which can be associated with missing episodes
  • Reflect on professional considerations for practice
  • Provide details of Local Authority points of contact in relation to missing children

25th June 2025, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams
7th January 2026, 12pm - 1pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 2

Book Here

Working together to safeguard children and young people - Level 3

This course is particularly relevant for professionals who potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and/or evaluating the needs of children or a young person. This course consists of a pre-course workbook and a full-day face-to-face session.

**Applicants must have completed Level 2 training and be working confidently at this level to be suitable**

Dates coming soon

Level 3

Book Here

Complex Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children – Level 4

This two-day course aims to provide an opportunity for professionals from all organisational backgrounds (social care, health, education, police, charity and third sector) to develop the knowledge, skills, aptitude, and competence to lead the safeguarding arrangements on behalf of their organisations.

**Applicants must have completed Level 3 training and be working confidently at this level to be suitable for Level 4 training**

29th & 30th January 2025, 9.30am-4pm via Zoom

Level 4

Book Here

Looked After Children and Care Leavers eLearning

By the end of this course you will have an understanding of why children come into care and their experiences, national and local statistics and what our responsibilities are to support looked after children. 

Contributes towards meeting the learning outcomes at Level 2.

Access the elearning course

Safeguarding Children with Disabilities

Safeguarding disabled children (including children with a learning disability)

What you can expect to learn:
  • Explore the current legislation, guidance and context relating to children with a disability including local policies and procedures.
  • Understand the particular circumstances which make disabled children more vulnerable to abuse
  • Understand/recognise the signs presented by disabled children who may have been subjected to abuse, including any potential for confusion in interpretation
  • Understand the factors which may influence when disabled children need help and protection
  • Ensure that interventions remain focused on the best interests of the child whilst working in complex situations

14th May 2025, 7pm - 8.30pm, via Microsoft Teams
14th January 2026, 1.30pm - 3pm, via Microsoft Teams

Contributes to meeting the learning outcomes at Level 3

Book Here


Fire Risk and Vulnerability - Adult and Children

What you can expect to learn:

  • To be able to identify any individuals and families you provide care or support services to, who are vulnerable to having a fire, or who are at 'greater risk' of serious injury or death due to fire.
  • To provide an overview of the recently launched 4LSAB Multi-Agency Fire Safety Framework and how this can help you.
  • To understand how and when to refer individuals and families to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service [HIWFRS] for a Safe and Well visit.
  • To understand the interventions HIWFRS can offer for children and young people.

As this is an information session no level is assigned to it.

Access the video here

Annual update on supporting people affected by drugs and alcohol on IOW

How Inclusion IOW (the IOW substance misuse service provider) works, including information on basic drug awareness and issues faced on the Isle of Wight.

Thursday 6th March 2025, 9.30am - 12.30pm, Little London Room, Riverside Centre, Newport

As this is an information session no level is assigned to it.

Book Here

Other agency training (these courses may involve charges)

DARE Toolkit

The Domestic Abuse Routing Enquiry (DARE) toolkit is designed to enhance your service delivery and to give you quick and easy tips and techniques in engaging domestic abuse perpetrators to nudge them into services. The aim is not to provide additional work, rather to improve what you currently do.

Find more information here

Dragonfly Project

The Dragonfly Project develops community-based support for people affected by domestic abuse. Dragonfly champions are trained to provide a listening ear and a link to domestic abuse support agencies so that isolated people can access help. 

Find more information here

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Training

For Designated Safeguarding Leads and their nominated deputies in early years settings, schools, colleges and childminders. It aims to explain the expectations of the role and look at some of the issues you could face whilst practising in this role.

View the IWC's training here

Early Help Assessments and Information Sharing

Participants will be able to confidently share information about the children and families they work with, have a greater understanding of local safeguarding thresholds and tiers of need, confidence in initiating and completing targeted early help assessments and plans, and holding the lead professional role and chairing Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings.

View the IWC's training here

Hidden Sentence Training

Hidden Sentence is a workshop for professionals who work with families, giving an overview of the issues facing prisoners’ families and a range of strategies and resources to help support them.

Visit Invisible Walls - Spurgeons for more information

How Do I? Training

This half-day workshop provides a follow-on to Hidden Sentence training and focuses on the practice of supporting children and families affected by a family member offending. For more information please contact:

Amelia Brennan at Barnardo's

Introduction to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Approach

This training gives an insight into how this approach positively impacts children and families on the Island and how it can applied in your practice. Open to all partner agencies as an opportunity to understand the theory and practice behind the approach.

View the IWC's training

Isle of Wight Council Training Courses

There are several courses available for both the adults and children's workforce.

Visit the IWC's website here

MARM (Multi-Agency Risk Management)

This podcast provides an overview of what MARM is, how it relates to safeguarding, when it should be used, what a good MARM meeting should look like and where you can find further information if you need it.

Access the podcast on the IOWSCB website here

Managing Safeguarding Responsibilities (Non-education settings)

A one-day Level 3 course to equip people who have responsibility for managing safeguarding in their workplace and who may also supervise others.

Visit the IWC's

Multi-Agency Forensic CAMHS and Harmful Sexual Behaviours Forum Workshop

A one-day Level 3 course to equip people who have responsibility for managing safeguarding in their workplace and who may also supervise others.  (All attendees should have previously attended a foundation level safeguarding course such as ‘Safeguarding Foundation’ from the Isle of Wight Council).

View the IWC's training

PREVENT Duty - Learn how to support people vulnerable to radicalisation

This Government eLearning course explains the Prevent duty, different extremist ideologies that can lead to terrorism, the risk around radicalisation and your supportive role, making a Prevent referral that is both informed and made with good intention and the interventions and support available.

Click here to access the training

Reducing Parental Conflict

Conflict between parents is normal, but if exposure is frequent, intense and poorly resolved, this can have a damaging impact on children, resulting in long-term mental health issues and emotional, social, behavioural and academic problems as they grow up.

Click here for further information and training.

Suicide Prevention Training

Zero Suicide Alliance have two types of suicide awareness training available, which provide a better understanding of the signs to look out for and the skills required to approach someone who is struggling.

These can be access here

Targeted Early Help

Barnardo's provide early help services through a range of parenting courses for parents/carers. Services available assist with many areas, including building a bond with a baby, breastfeeding support, parenting skills, getting ready for school, healthy eating and nutrition and advice for children with ADHD and ASC. For more information please visit:

Welcome to Isle of Wight Family Centres