Supporting Your Child

Parenting can be the most rewarding thing in the world, but at times it can be difficult. The Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership has published resources to support parents and carers with some parenting challenges, including:

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Isle of Wight Family Information Hubs

On the Isle of Wight there are family information hubs with a huge range of up-to-date advice, information and support on offer to support families. Please visit the Isle of Wight Family Information Hub for local services.

Safeguarding Infants

Having a baby can be exciting and wonderful, but it is also a time of huge change, and can be stressful. Below are resources to support those early days to keep infants safe.

Safe sleep and reducing Sudden Infant Death (SIDS)

Evidence shows that smoking cigarettes during pregnancy or around a baby at home could be linked to 60% of sudden infant deaths (SIDS).

To get help to stop smoking either during pregnancy or after birth visit Smoke free Island.

Safe sleep for infants and babies is a very important factor in reducing SIDS. It is important to follow key advice about safe sleep:

Infant crying

When babies cry, it can be stressful and overwhelming. It is important to remember infant crying is normal; it will stop; you can cope.

Support for dads

The DadPad is an essential guide for new dads, developed by the NHS. The DadPad equips dads with the knowledge and practical skills to support themselves and their partner to give their baby the best possible start in life.

Download the FREE DadPad App using the QR or visit the App Store or Google Play.

Other support

Isle of Wight Family Hubs offer a five week Baby Incredible Stages course. This fun, relaxing and friendly course explores baby’s development from birth to 6 months.

Support your child or young person

The phase of life between childhood and adulthood is a time of major transition physically, emotionally and socially. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships have created a Supporting your adolescent resources toolkit that has been designed for parents and carers. It provides information and help on a range of topics that can sometimes affect pre-teens and teenagers as they journey into adulthood and signposts where to go to get further support.

Supporting your adolescent resources toolkit

Teenage Relationships

If your child is in a healthy relationship with someone, they should feel loved, safe, respected and free to be themselves. There are different forms of abuse, but if your child’s relationship leaves them feeling scared, intimidated or controlled then they are in an abusive relationship. Abuse is not normal and never ok.

  • Domestic abuse can happen to anyone regardless of gender, sexuality and age (including teenagers) and take many forms, but remember you don’t have to be hit to be abused.
  • Emotional, psychological and financial control are also very serious forms of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse often escalates over time – what starts as verbal and emotional abuse can turn into physical violence.
  • Controlling behaviour is a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support such as family and friends, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.
  • Coercive behaviour is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.

Is my child being abused in their relationship?

If you can answer yes to any of the below points, then your child is being abused:

  • If your child is frightened of their partner, or your feel that your child has to change their behaviour because they are scared of their partner’s reaction, then your child is being abused.
  • Is their partner very jealous and possessive of them?
  • Does their partner get angry when your child wants to spend time with their friends or demands that your child spend all their time with them?
  • Does their partner check their phone, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter?
  • Does their partner try to get them to defriend people on Facebook, take down their photos or stop them messaging their friends?
  • Are they always calling, texting or messaging to check where your child is and who they are with?
  • Do they tell your child what to wear or how to do their hair?
  • Does your child’s partner laugh at them or put them down in front of other people
  • Does your child’s partner get aggressive? Do they hit, shove, slap or kick your child?
  • Does your child’s partner threaten to harm them – or themselves if your child tries to leave them?
  • Does your child’s partner call them names?
  • Does your child’s partner pressure them to have sex when they don’t want to (without consent), telling your child that “everyone else is doing it” or that they would do it “if they really loved them”?
  • Does your child’s partner pressure them to send sexual texts and images of themselves?
  • Does your child’s partner share any sexual texts and images of your child with their friends?

Sexual Activity and the law

The legal age for young people to consent to have sex is 16 years, whether they are straight, gay or bisexual.

Whilst the legal age of consent for a sexual relationship is 16 years, any sexual relationship or sexual contact with a 16 or 17 year old by a person in a position of trust is still unlawful, even if 'consensual'.

Children under the age of 13 are legally deemed incapable of consenting to sexual activity and therefore all incidences of sexual behaviour involving children under 13 should be considered as a potential criminal or child protection matter.

What is consent?

This short video explains what consent is and why it is important. It is a good video to watch with your child. A transcript of the consent video is available here.

Isle of Wight local advice and support for parents


Safe4me provide parents with information and resources to help educate, guide and support children and young people to keep safe and covers a wide range of topics.

Recognising signs your child might be being exploited

Parents Against Child Exploitation (PACE) offer parents compassionate support and advice informed by over 20 years of experiences working in partnership with parents to tackle child exploitation from their PACE Information and advice centre .

Here is a short video where parents and carers share their own experiences of child exploitation and what to look out for.

Child Exploitation Toolkit (

Supporting Families

Relationship support for parents

Most of us disagree at times in our relationships and not all conflict is damaging. But it can become an issue when it's frequent or poorly managed.

Wherever you are in your parenting journey, these free one plus one courses will help you learn how to cope with stress and communicate better. To access the courses you will need a smartphone, tablet, or computer and internet connection. The courses are online so you can go through them at your own page, save your progress and come back to it alter if you wish. 

The courses are:

  • Arguing better: how to cope better with stress and deal with arguments in a healthy way.
  • Me, You and Baby Too: to help new and expecting parents navigate the changes that happen in their relationship when a baby arrives.
  • Getting it right for children: to help separated or separating parents learn to manage conflict and minimise the impact it has on their children.
  • There’s also some helpful advice about the impact of debt on relationships.

Please be aware that these resources are not suitable for situations where domestic abuse has been identified. Parental conflict is very different to domestic abuse. No one should ever make you feel threatened or unsafe. If this is how you feel there are many organisations and services that are there to support you. 

If you need support with domestic abuse, please visit the Isle of Wight Council’s Domestic Abuse pages or follow the national guidance Domestic abuse: how to get help

Causes of parental conflict, the impact on children and further support can be found within the
Isle of Wight Council's Supporting Parent Relationships offer.

Family separation

The Anna Freud charity have advice and guidance for parents and carers in conflict or separating.

The charity Relate provide relationship support to parents and carers, their separation planner brings together information and support to help you understand your situation, to get through it, and check if you’re safe to separate.

Sarah's Law (Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme)

The Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme lets you formally ask the police whether someone who has contact with a child or children:

  • has a record for child sexual (paedophile) offences
  • poses a risk to the child or children for some other reason

It's not a law, but it is sometimes called 'Sarah's Law'.

If you’re worried about someone’s behaviour towards a child, or something you've seen, heard or been told, you can use Sarah's Law to find out if that person is a risk.

You must apply for information about a specific person and a specific child or children they spend time with. You cannot apply for general information about child sex offenders.

Find out more information from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police